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Showing posts from January, 2021


The House of the Old Ones Across the floor many pools of blood had covered most of the floor, the bodies of the congregation were scattered some were sat in the pews whilst the rest were sprawled across the ground. The shiny black brogue shoes stepped in the blood as Blackman wandered amongst the dead walking past the hounds as they feasted tearing away at the corpses growling with predatory delight, Blackman saw Lady Garvel kneeling at the alter her head bowed and reciting a prayer. Blackman stood behind Garvel he put his hands together and waited politely as Garvel finished her prayer, Blackman spoke “I apologise that it had to come to this but sadly certain factors required me to use your congregation to finish what we started” Garvel lowered her hands “I understand, I’m honoured to give the house to the dark beings of the void” Blackman stepped in front of her “You gave a lot to begin this awakening are you sure that you wish to give yourself fully too them” Garvel smiled stroking