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Welcome to the World of Gigarrah

After starting The Ember Lights Project the flare of what was to begin from the start of all this has returned and that is making stories about giant monsters, this love for colossal radiation infused creatures began a long time ago.

Apart from my love of dinosaurs my other big obsession is giant monster movies, my love for them began when on certain Sunday mornings would have the old classic b-movies from the 1950s and I would sit there with my dad and I would be absolutely captivated watching them one in particular was the movie The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms, a film about a colossal species of unknown dinosaur that goes on the rampage through New York city this then became one of my favourite movies. Many years later I was introduced once again by my dad to another group of movies which were centred on an icon in cinema history and that was the Godzilla franchise, as a kid I never got a chance to watch the 1954 original I would later on in my late teens but my first dip into the world of Godzilla and that was Ebirah Horror of the Deep and these movies have been in my life ever since, now finally I’m taking the chance of writing my own stories.

Whilst writing Gigarrah there was hinting throughout the story that the world that Akira lives in was steeped in history and events relating to other different types of Kaiju around the world, that was something that I wanted to explore further and expand the mythologies and secrets of this monster based world and other worlds too. So let’s rumble the skyline and shake the ground and walk in the footsteps of titans, Toho have their King of the Monsters now you shall witness mine.

Martyn Sudlow-McKay


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