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Showing posts from February, 2020


The H.M.S. Harrington The Pacific Ocean, 1715 Twenty Miles from Singapore Lightning split across the blackened clouds of the night sky as the rain hammered down onto the decks of the ship, at the helm Captain Farris strained trying to hold onto the Harrington’s wheel as several of his men scrambled across the deck he roared loudly “Tie those sails up tightly or the storm will shred them!” members of the crew worked hard to tie up the sails on the masts as water cascade up and over the side of the ship. Farris saw Malloy and Hawk on the deck trying to steady themselves with the harsh movement of the ship the rifles held tightly in their hands he shouted to the both of them “Lads! Keep to powder on those rifles dry and be on the lookout they could appear any moment!” Malloy looked up and nodded “Aye Sir!”. The two men remained alert but were on edge Malloy turned to Hawk “This is crazy Hawk” Hawk was looking in all directions but spoke with a calm tone “Just remember don’t hesit

GIGARRAH II (A Titan Story)

“He comes without warning, the crimson demon. Cities will crumble and burn in the wake of his rage. Hail the Fractured King!” Dr Klaus Emmerich Sheung Wan District Hong Kong, China MDF Team Members - Karl Walker: Team Leader             - Alice Neeman: Pilot and Engineer - Brian Carson: Combat Tactician    - Ishiro Takarada: Combat / Science - Katherine Petrov: Tech Expert The street markets were a swirling mixture of sounds and scents from the people wandering about and the different foods that were being prepared, vendors tended to woks and frying pans in a sizzling, crackling symphony of fried meats, noodles and a whole array of other dishes. It was always the beating heart of the district this time of day when everyone had been working hard and needed time to destress to enjoy good food with good friends, many of the tourist visiting the city were trying a bit of everything wanted to get the full street food experience. A figure Caucasian in appearance with shor


PART ONE THE COSMIC INFANT In October 1975, satellites managed to detect an oncoming meteorite that had entered the inner part our solar system on a direct collision course with the Earth, scientists at NASA confirmed that the meteorite although of significant size was not classed as an extinction level threat. The touchdown area was a jungle area of Mexico called Paelana, several days after nearby villages and the town were evacuated the meteorite made impact, what they found was unbelievable. Paelana, Mexico October 6th 1975 00:56am The night-time was far from peaceful, smoke rose in the sky; General Lowry sat stern faced in the jeep as it made its way through the remains of Paelana. The rough army worn man looked at the decimated town, some buildings stood in ruin while others were on fire; trucks went in the other direction and soldiers patrolled the area. The jeep pulled up at the Command Tent that had been set up for the operation, the tires crunched the dirt of the ground a


Hey Firelight Wanderers I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted but things have been in development, I’ve been writing a couple of stories still working on an ending for Sirens and I’m almost finished with Gigarrah II . But the other reason it’s been so long is that I’ve been toying with an idea and I have finally made a decision, I have decided that I’m going to write The Ember Lights as an actually book with the plan (if it’s good enough) to get it published. The current stories that I have written will be the bulk of this collection which will be titled Compendium  and I will be adding a few new ones that I’ve come up, it’s a three part book and each part will contain seven stories. The Compendium isn’t going to be a massive book far very far from it but I love the idea of small collection of stories that someone could pull out of their bag and just read on a train or in a cafe, even for a moment just for them to get lost in a story. This is something that I’m really excite