The year is 2295 and the world is just as chaotic, with the ever-lurking threat of terrorism and government corruption there are few who help in maintaining balance.
In 2281 Shakir Salameh a member of the Egyptian government survived a bombing at the Maglis El Shura, in the wake of the carnage he took his fortune and began a secret organisation called Karnak named after the ancient ruin in Luxor, this organisation is a selection of specialised operatives who work separated from any world government and take on missions in other countries were jurisdiction prevents other governments or their officials from doing their jobs and to do the dirty work that governments can’t perform.
The agents of Karnak are named after several Gods based on Ancient Egyptian mythology.
Briefing: Agents, the CIA has tracked weapons acquired from a terrorist splinter cell in the United States to Cho Xiang a wealthy businessman who has decided to dip his wallets into the world of the black market. CIA wants to bring him in for questioning but they have no evidence for extradition so we are going to go in for them, the plan is for agents to infiltrate Xiang’s office building in Hong Kong where he keeps his secret business information and acquire the server data for information on Xiang’s contacts, buyers and any dirt that he is hiding.
Agents: Anubis // Horus // Bast
Hong Kong, China
April 13, 2295
The city was beautiful an expanse of high rise monuments towering over neon-drenched streets, one such building had a trespasser wandering on the roof the door from the stairs opened and the hawk-headed figure wandered out into the starry night with a suitcase in hand. Horus was fully geared in the combat suit body armour was partially hidden under a long grey tactical trench coat, the hawk helm was essential not only was it sync to the sniper rifle in the case to be more accurate but it could scope long distances and even use night, thermal and magnetic vision to monitor guard movements, Horus tapped to the radio on the side of the helm “Temple this is Horus heading to overwatch” Isis came over the radio “Copy that Horus you’ll have an unobstructed view of the party from there” Horus reached the corner of the building and looked out at the city about three hundred feet crosswise from Horus’ position was another high rise but there was a couple of floors with lights flashing from the party that was going on. Horus opened the case and took out the rifle and began attaching the scope, barrel and magazine he looked through the scope and the helm synced with the rifle showing the ammo count and detected the all the people in the building “Sync complete showing multiple bodies, Temple you got the sync info?” there was a moment of pause then Isis replied “Luckily we’ve interrupted the surveillance feed, data is coming through now there’s a lot of guards in there” Horus looked through the scope again “Well that’s a jackal problem…you ready Anubis?”.
Down in the lower levels of the building’s basement, Anubis emerged from a manhole he looked around checking for guards but luckily the coast was clear he tapped his radio “Copy Horus just entering the basement now” Anubis was wearing all black with combat pants, shirt and special ops flak jacket and he was wearing his jackal helm which worked similar to Horus’ helm with tactical heads up display. Anubis pulled the silenced handgun from the leg holster “Ok Temple find me a way up” the voice came over the radio “There is a service elevator on the far side of the room it will take you all the way up to top floor, building schematics will be sent to your tablet” Anubis nodded and accessed the map on the tablet on his wrist “Copy Temple making my way up”. The door to the elevator opened with a grind of metal and Anubis looked up the length of the elevator shaft “Maybe the stairs would be better” he reached into one larger pocket that was attached to the back of his belt and pulled out a cable ascension then attached it to one of the cables followed by clipping it to his belt “Ok Temple making my way up” he clicked on the ascension grapple and was lifted up the cable.
Horus kept watch on the situation he could see through the HUD that Anubis had ascended the elevator shaft “Anubis you are all clear when you exit the elevator” Anubis climbed down inside the elevator “Copy Horus, what’s the path to the office like?” Horus looked at Anubis’ position and the path to the office where he needed to go he shook his head “Unfortunately there’s a lot of bodies between you and Xiang’s office there’s no way to get there from the inside without being spotted even with camo” Anubis looked at the schematic of the floor he was on and saw an office nearby “Looks like I’m going for a walk outside” he pressed a button on the jacket which activated the camo which acted as a sort of invisibility of his suit and weaponry this helped to avoid being seen from a distance or in low light, he began to make his way down the corridor keeping crouched as he skulked towards the office. Once inside Anubis strode over to the window which he opened he looked out to the city below then to his left and saw the ledge that went around the sides of the building “Fuck me” Horus chuckled slightly “At least it’s a lovely night” Anubis was climbing out of the window “Wonder if you can see what finger I’m flipping you off through that x-ray vision of yours” Horus chuckled again “Don’t need x-ray for that…now take a deep breath and enjoy your night time stroll” Anubis began shimmying across the ledge to reach the office “Where’s Bast? Bet she’s having a better time”.
One of the elevator doors opened and a woman with long black hair and beautiful Indian golden tanned features, she was wearing a stunning black dress with gold highlights the dress was fitted well that showed off her curves even her arms were covered in a gold leaf pattern. She walked gracefully one foot in front of the other “Now boys it’s time to show the professionals how it’s done” she glided towards the party showing one of the invites to the guards who nodded in acceptance she smiled and carried one, Horus caught a glimpse of Bast’s appearance after changing visions “Holy shit you look stunning Bast”. Anubis was still wandering across the ledge he looked to the air as if he was trying to enhance his hearing “What dress did she go with?” Horus replied “The black one with the delicate golden leaf patterns” Anubis gasped “Aw that one is beautiful, if I had the confidence and skill to shave my legs I would have so gone into drag” Bast tried to hide the laugh with a hand sweeping her hair “Right no more jokes boys, find me the big boss so I can distract to allow Anubis to access the computer” Horus looked through the scope and began sweeping across the field of dancing and drinking people eventually he stopped “Got him…he’s over by the bar in the grey suit” Bast glanced over to her right amidst the flashing light, neon and music see could see Xiang amongst the people “I see him” she began weaving through like a ghost her eye fixed on her target soon she reached the bar and ordered herself a drink, Xiang caught sight of Bast the white pointed moustache twitched with excitement he slid along the bar to get closer to the beautiful woman he sneered a grin “My what such extravagance” Bast gave him a casual but playful glance he spoke again “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before” Bast turned to face him “I was sent to Hong Kong as a liaison from Ansam for a possible merger proposition” Xiang smiled again “Ah I’ve been waiting for Ansam to strike a deal for some time now”.
Anubis had finally reached the balcony to Xiang’s office, he jumped the rail and crept to the bay window, he slid it open then closed it behind him and walked quietly over to the desk and activated the computer “Ok Temple I’m at the computer” Isis spoke over the radio “Right hook up to your tablet and we can decipher from here” Anubis pulled out a small USB cable from the tablet on his arm then plugged into the computer “We are connected Temple do your magic” Isis started tapping furiously at the console “This will take a while”. Back at the bar, Xiang was still talking to Bast “This isn’t really the place to be discussing business, come my office is this way we can talk in private” she gave a smile “Sound good” he placed a hand on her back and led her away from the party, Horus was watching from his scope “Shit! Anubis they’re coming your way” Anubis looked up quickly “Temple how much longer?” Isis was panicking “Damn it another couple of minutes”. Each step that Bast took made her stomach lurch knowing that they were heading to where Anubis was hacking the computer, Anubis was watching the progress bar Horus’ voice spoke in his ear “Anubis their almost on you” Anubis took the tablet of his wrist and tucked it into a drawer to avoid being seen, he activated the camo and ran to the office door and hid behind it as it opened with Xiang and Bast entering the room. Bast gave a quick glance to the desk no one was there she gave a sigh of relief Horus kept watch “He’s behind the door Bast, try and get Xiang out on the balcony” Bast looked to the city outside “Oh my is that the view?” she wandered over to the balcony sliding the door and stepping outside Xiang followed her “Beautiful isn’t it? Such an amazing city” Bast looked to Xiang “Your Empire must span much of Hong Kong” Xiang gave a selfish chuckle “Pretty much soon it will all be my city” there was a drinks table next to them and Xiang poured two glasses of champagne “Now let’s talk business”.
Whilst Bast was keeping Xiang occupied Anubis crept over to the desk to find out if the hack had worked he spoke softly “Temple do you have anything?” Isis had broken through the encryptions and had full access to Xiang’s files “Ok I have found details for the money transfers and shipping manifests for someone called Mamun Fahad in Afghanistan” searches show he is a big link to the terrorist group The Black Circle” Anubis could see the files coming up on the screen “Excellent this is what the Americans need to help with their investigation” as Isis looked through some of the files Anubis noticed something “Wait a minute I’ve found something else” he typed at the keyboard and selected a file. He felt a punch to the gut from what he had found on the computer “Holy shit”, Isis was curious what he had found “What is it?” Anubis replied “It’s a manifest…for exporting children…in underground sex rings, there are hundreds of kids on this list”, Bast heard what Anubis was saying and she looked at Xiang who was talking with a smug expression of entitlement she felt disgusted. Horus kept his eye down the sight he spoke on the radio “Temple if we have the evidence do we need this guy alive?” Isis turned to Ra who was watching from his office above, he put an earpiece in and spoke “Team this is Ra, they only require the files which are being transferred now, Anubis we will send the manifest to the authorities but as far as I am concerned Xiang is now considered expendable”.
Anubis nodded “Copy that Ra, we are beginning extraction” he signalled to Bast who interrupted Xiang whilst he was talking “You know what it’s a little chilly do you mind if we go inside?” Xiang smiled “Of course my dear” Xiang opened the balcony door and let Bast walk inside, she walked gracefully seeing her colleague in the corner of her eye. Anubis wasn’t hiding anymore he was stood upright as Xiang entered behind Bast, Xiang saw the masked figure watching him “What the hell?!” before he could react Bast pulled the silenced pistol from her leg holster, she aimed the gun at Xiang and fired a round right in between Xiang’s eyes. As Xiang crumpled to the carpet Anubis came around the desk taking the assault rifle from his back and looked to Bast “Think you can climb down the outside in that dress?” Bast looked at him sarcastically when Horus spoke over the radio “Uh guys you’ve got incoming one of the goons is heading your way” Anubis replied “Copy that…” he looked to Bast “Ready to do this the hard way?” Bast smiled as she removed the high heeled shoes “I’m ready to dance if you are?” Anubis nodded and looked out the window to look at Horus “Horus meet us at the EP” Horus began packing away the sniper rifle “Have fun you two, see you soon”. Anubis checked his rifle and took cover on the office wall by the door to hide as Bast crouched by Xiang’s body hiding the gun as the guard walked inside, he saw Bast on the floor who was pretending to be distraught he raised the automatic rifle and yelled “What the hell happened?!” Bast whimpered “He just collapsed on the floor!” Anubis pushed the door closed as the guard turned and saw him, Anubis fired three rounds but the guard as he fell fired his rifle with a loud burst of bullets, Bast cursed “Shit!” she got up and leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the door and looked to Anubis who nodded “Let’s get this party really started” the two of them burst out of the office and saw the guards that were scrambling about after hearing the gunfire and they began to fire wildly at the intruders.
Bast ducked behind a wall as Anubis took hiding behind a pillar, Anubis leaned from the pillar and fired back taking out two guards, Bast spun up from behind the small wall and cracked out three rounds all of them hit one guard who was crouching by a table on the far side of the room, she jumped over as two more approached she shot one in the chest then kicked the gun from the other’s hand followed by a strong punch to his jaw. The man tried to swing with a hook punch but Bast blocked it and threw out an elbow strike to his throat, she using her heel she kicked out the man’s knee making fall to the floor Bast then kneed him in the face, more men appeared and opened fire on her as Bast ran across the room and jumped over the bar has splinters of wood and glass erupted around her. Anubis fired at the guards and slid behind the bar to cover Bast he tilted his head “Has this gotten to the hard part yet?” Bast shrugged “We’re not out of the building yet” Anubis peeked over the bar “Go I’ll cover you” he fired again taking out another guard as the others took cover, Bast crept from out the bar and ran for the elevator she fired back into the room taking out the other two hostiles and to allow Anubis to emerge and reach the elevator, kept a lookout “It’s never a dull moment with you boys is it?” Anubis laughed as he opened the doors and looked down the shafts “Well they always excitement is the spice of life” he attached the grapple to the cable and gestured to Bast “Ladies first?” Bast smiled “Such a gentleman” she took the grapple and began sliding down as Anubis attached the other grapple. Sliding down the cable the two of them reached the second elevator that wasn’t on the top floor and used it to climb down to the basement levels, Anubis opened the doors and aimed down the hallway but no one was there “Alright we’re clear, let’s go” he helped Bast climb out into the hallway and he followed after her.
In 2281 Shakir Salameh a member of the Egyptian government survived a bombing at the Maglis El Shura, in the wake of the carnage he took his fortune and began a secret organisation called Karnak named after the ancient ruin in Luxor, this organisation is a selection of specialised operatives who work separated from any world government and take on missions in other countries were jurisdiction prevents other governments or their officials from doing their jobs and to do the dirty work that governments can’t perform.
The agents of Karnak are named after several Gods based on Ancient Egyptian mythology.
Briefing: Agents, the CIA has tracked weapons acquired from a terrorist splinter cell in the United States to Cho Xiang a wealthy businessman who has decided to dip his wallets into the world of the black market. CIA wants to bring him in for questioning but they have no evidence for extradition so we are going to go in for them, the plan is for agents to infiltrate Xiang’s office building in Hong Kong where he keeps his secret business information and acquire the server data for information on Xiang’s contacts, buyers and any dirt that he is hiding.
Agents: Anubis // Horus // Bast
Hong Kong, China
April 13, 2295
The city was beautiful an expanse of high rise monuments towering over neon-drenched streets, one such building had a trespasser wandering on the roof the door from the stairs opened and the hawk-headed figure wandered out into the starry night with a suitcase in hand. Horus was fully geared in the combat suit body armour was partially hidden under a long grey tactical trench coat, the hawk helm was essential not only was it sync to the sniper rifle in the case to be more accurate but it could scope long distances and even use night, thermal and magnetic vision to monitor guard movements, Horus tapped to the radio on the side of the helm “Temple this is Horus heading to overwatch” Isis came over the radio “Copy that Horus you’ll have an unobstructed view of the party from there” Horus reached the corner of the building and looked out at the city about three hundred feet crosswise from Horus’ position was another high rise but there was a couple of floors with lights flashing from the party that was going on. Horus opened the case and took out the rifle and began attaching the scope, barrel and magazine he looked through the scope and the helm synced with the rifle showing the ammo count and detected the all the people in the building “Sync complete showing multiple bodies, Temple you got the sync info?” there was a moment of pause then Isis replied “Luckily we’ve interrupted the surveillance feed, data is coming through now there’s a lot of guards in there” Horus looked through the scope again “Well that’s a jackal problem…you ready Anubis?”.
Down in the lower levels of the building’s basement, Anubis emerged from a manhole he looked around checking for guards but luckily the coast was clear he tapped his radio “Copy Horus just entering the basement now” Anubis was wearing all black with combat pants, shirt and special ops flak jacket and he was wearing his jackal helm which worked similar to Horus’ helm with tactical heads up display. Anubis pulled the silenced handgun from the leg holster “Ok Temple find me a way up” the voice came over the radio “There is a service elevator on the far side of the room it will take you all the way up to top floor, building schematics will be sent to your tablet” Anubis nodded and accessed the map on the tablet on his wrist “Copy Temple making my way up”. The door to the elevator opened with a grind of metal and Anubis looked up the length of the elevator shaft “Maybe the stairs would be better” he reached into one larger pocket that was attached to the back of his belt and pulled out a cable ascension then attached it to one of the cables followed by clipping it to his belt “Ok Temple making my way up” he clicked on the ascension grapple and was lifted up the cable.
Horus kept watch on the situation he could see through the HUD that Anubis had ascended the elevator shaft “Anubis you are all clear when you exit the elevator” Anubis climbed down inside the elevator “Copy Horus, what’s the path to the office like?” Horus looked at Anubis’ position and the path to the office where he needed to go he shook his head “Unfortunately there’s a lot of bodies between you and Xiang’s office there’s no way to get there from the inside without being spotted even with camo” Anubis looked at the schematic of the floor he was on and saw an office nearby “Looks like I’m going for a walk outside” he pressed a button on the jacket which activated the camo which acted as a sort of invisibility of his suit and weaponry this helped to avoid being seen from a distance or in low light, he began to make his way down the corridor keeping crouched as he skulked towards the office. Once inside Anubis strode over to the window which he opened he looked out to the city below then to his left and saw the ledge that went around the sides of the building “Fuck me” Horus chuckled slightly “At least it’s a lovely night” Anubis was climbing out of the window “Wonder if you can see what finger I’m flipping you off through that x-ray vision of yours” Horus chuckled again “Don’t need x-ray for that…now take a deep breath and enjoy your night time stroll” Anubis began shimmying across the ledge to reach the office “Where’s Bast? Bet she’s having a better time”.
One of the elevator doors opened and a woman with long black hair and beautiful Indian golden tanned features, she was wearing a stunning black dress with gold highlights the dress was fitted well that showed off her curves even her arms were covered in a gold leaf pattern. She walked gracefully one foot in front of the other “Now boys it’s time to show the professionals how it’s done” she glided towards the party showing one of the invites to the guards who nodded in acceptance she smiled and carried one, Horus caught a glimpse of Bast’s appearance after changing visions “Holy shit you look stunning Bast”. Anubis was still wandering across the ledge he looked to the air as if he was trying to enhance his hearing “What dress did she go with?” Horus replied “The black one with the delicate golden leaf patterns” Anubis gasped “Aw that one is beautiful, if I had the confidence and skill to shave my legs I would have so gone into drag” Bast tried to hide the laugh with a hand sweeping her hair “Right no more jokes boys, find me the big boss so I can distract to allow Anubis to access the computer” Horus looked through the scope and began sweeping across the field of dancing and drinking people eventually he stopped “Got him…he’s over by the bar in the grey suit” Bast glanced over to her right amidst the flashing light, neon and music see could see Xiang amongst the people “I see him” she began weaving through like a ghost her eye fixed on her target soon she reached the bar and ordered herself a drink, Xiang caught sight of Bast the white pointed moustache twitched with excitement he slid along the bar to get closer to the beautiful woman he sneered a grin “My what such extravagance” Bast gave him a casual but playful glance he spoke again “Don’t think I’ve ever seen you around here before” Bast turned to face him “I was sent to Hong Kong as a liaison from Ansam for a possible merger proposition” Xiang smiled again “Ah I’ve been waiting for Ansam to strike a deal for some time now”.
Anubis had finally reached the balcony to Xiang’s office, he jumped the rail and crept to the bay window, he slid it open then closed it behind him and walked quietly over to the desk and activated the computer “Ok Temple I’m at the computer” Isis spoke over the radio “Right hook up to your tablet and we can decipher from here” Anubis pulled out a small USB cable from the tablet on his arm then plugged into the computer “We are connected Temple do your magic” Isis started tapping furiously at the console “This will take a while”. Back at the bar, Xiang was still talking to Bast “This isn’t really the place to be discussing business, come my office is this way we can talk in private” she gave a smile “Sound good” he placed a hand on her back and led her away from the party, Horus was watching from his scope “Shit! Anubis they’re coming your way” Anubis looked up quickly “Temple how much longer?” Isis was panicking “Damn it another couple of minutes”. Each step that Bast took made her stomach lurch knowing that they were heading to where Anubis was hacking the computer, Anubis was watching the progress bar Horus’ voice spoke in his ear “Anubis their almost on you” Anubis took the tablet of his wrist and tucked it into a drawer to avoid being seen, he activated the camo and ran to the office door and hid behind it as it opened with Xiang and Bast entering the room. Bast gave a quick glance to the desk no one was there she gave a sigh of relief Horus kept watch “He’s behind the door Bast, try and get Xiang out on the balcony” Bast looked to the city outside “Oh my is that the view?” she wandered over to the balcony sliding the door and stepping outside Xiang followed her “Beautiful isn’t it? Such an amazing city” Bast looked to Xiang “Your Empire must span much of Hong Kong” Xiang gave a selfish chuckle “Pretty much soon it will all be my city” there was a drinks table next to them and Xiang poured two glasses of champagne “Now let’s talk business”.
Whilst Bast was keeping Xiang occupied Anubis crept over to the desk to find out if the hack had worked he spoke softly “Temple do you have anything?” Isis had broken through the encryptions and had full access to Xiang’s files “Ok I have found details for the money transfers and shipping manifests for someone called Mamun Fahad in Afghanistan” searches show he is a big link to the terrorist group The Black Circle” Anubis could see the files coming up on the screen “Excellent this is what the Americans need to help with their investigation” as Isis looked through some of the files Anubis noticed something “Wait a minute I’ve found something else” he typed at the keyboard and selected a file. He felt a punch to the gut from what he had found on the computer “Holy shit”, Isis was curious what he had found “What is it?” Anubis replied “It’s a manifest…for exporting children…in underground sex rings, there are hundreds of kids on this list”, Bast heard what Anubis was saying and she looked at Xiang who was talking with a smug expression of entitlement she felt disgusted. Horus kept his eye down the sight he spoke on the radio “Temple if we have the evidence do we need this guy alive?” Isis turned to Ra who was watching from his office above, he put an earpiece in and spoke “Team this is Ra, they only require the files which are being transferred now, Anubis we will send the manifest to the authorities but as far as I am concerned Xiang is now considered expendable”.
Anubis nodded “Copy that Ra, we are beginning extraction” he signalled to Bast who interrupted Xiang whilst he was talking “You know what it’s a little chilly do you mind if we go inside?” Xiang smiled “Of course my dear” Xiang opened the balcony door and let Bast walk inside, she walked gracefully seeing her colleague in the corner of her eye. Anubis wasn’t hiding anymore he was stood upright as Xiang entered behind Bast, Xiang saw the masked figure watching him “What the hell?!” before he could react Bast pulled the silenced pistol from her leg holster, she aimed the gun at Xiang and fired a round right in between Xiang’s eyes. As Xiang crumpled to the carpet Anubis came around the desk taking the assault rifle from his back and looked to Bast “Think you can climb down the outside in that dress?” Bast looked at him sarcastically when Horus spoke over the radio “Uh guys you’ve got incoming one of the goons is heading your way” Anubis replied “Copy that…” he looked to Bast “Ready to do this the hard way?” Bast smiled as she removed the high heeled shoes “I’m ready to dance if you are?” Anubis nodded and looked out the window to look at Horus “Horus meet us at the EP” Horus began packing away the sniper rifle “Have fun you two, see you soon”. Anubis checked his rifle and took cover on the office wall by the door to hide as Bast crouched by Xiang’s body hiding the gun as the guard walked inside, he saw Bast on the floor who was pretending to be distraught he raised the automatic rifle and yelled “What the hell happened?!” Bast whimpered “He just collapsed on the floor!” Anubis pushed the door closed as the guard turned and saw him, Anubis fired three rounds but the guard as he fell fired his rifle with a loud burst of bullets, Bast cursed “Shit!” she got up and leaned against the wall on the opposite side of the door and looked to Anubis who nodded “Let’s get this party really started” the two of them burst out of the office and saw the guards that were scrambling about after hearing the gunfire and they began to fire wildly at the intruders.
Bast ducked behind a wall as Anubis took hiding behind a pillar, Anubis leaned from the pillar and fired back taking out two guards, Bast spun up from behind the small wall and cracked out three rounds all of them hit one guard who was crouching by a table on the far side of the room, she jumped over as two more approached she shot one in the chest then kicked the gun from the other’s hand followed by a strong punch to his jaw. The man tried to swing with a hook punch but Bast blocked it and threw out an elbow strike to his throat, she using her heel she kicked out the man’s knee making fall to the floor Bast then kneed him in the face, more men appeared and opened fire on her as Bast ran across the room and jumped over the bar has splinters of wood and glass erupted around her. Anubis fired at the guards and slid behind the bar to cover Bast he tilted his head “Has this gotten to the hard part yet?” Bast shrugged “We’re not out of the building yet” Anubis peeked over the bar “Go I’ll cover you” he fired again taking out another guard as the others took cover, Bast crept from out the bar and ran for the elevator she fired back into the room taking out the other two hostiles and to allow Anubis to emerge and reach the elevator, kept a lookout “It’s never a dull moment with you boys is it?” Anubis laughed as he opened the doors and looked down the shafts “Well they always excitement is the spice of life” he attached the grapple to the cable and gestured to Bast “Ladies first?” Bast smiled “Such a gentleman” she took the grapple and began sliding down as Anubis attached the other grapple. Sliding down the cable the two of them reached the second elevator that wasn’t on the top floor and used it to climb down to the basement levels, Anubis opened the doors and aimed down the hallway but no one was there “Alright we’re clear, let’s go” he helped Bast climb out into the hallway and he followed after her.
They slowly made their way through the hallways Bast made a comment “Are you expecting me to move through the underground tunnels barefoot?” Anubis replied “Of course not, my exit plan was to steal a car” Bast sighed with relief “Thank god” Anubis tapped on the radio “Temple we in the basement heading for evac” Isis replied quickly “You guys better move there is a lot of activity upstairs, they’re heading your way” Anubis peeked from a corner and saw no one “Copy that Temple, heading to the parking garage now” the two of them proceeded onward. The parking garage was dark from poor lighting as Anubis and Bast entered from the doorway, they sprinted to one of the cars when a voice yelled from behind “There they are!” Anubis turned back and opened fire killing three guards but more used the doorway for cover “Bast get in and get it started” Bast nodded and jimmied the door open and began hotwiring the car, Anubis kept exchanging gunfire keeping the goons at bay “Are you done?” Bast heard the engine roar to life she yelled to Anubis “Get in!” Anubis threw a frag grenade which made the guards flee down the hallway, as the grenade exploded he jumped into the car and it screeched out the garage and into the city. Anubis touch a sensor on the side of his jackal mask and it began to fold away into the collar of his uniform revealing the scruffy, rugged appearance but handsome Egyptian man he looked to Bast and smiled “Piece of cake” she smiled back “We need to ditch this car first, soon” Anubis looked to see if they were being followed but they were clear “There’s an alleyway on the next right we can ditch it there and head to the river” the car turned the corner getting far from the chaos they left behind.
In the city they arrived at the alleyway and they got out of the car, Anubis found a rucksack that Horus had left behind with a change of clothes for the two of them, Anubis packed away the combat gear and was now wearing a white shirt and black trousers and a black long coat, Bast had changed into a smart dark grey pants suit and gloves to help hide the gold leaf paint on her arms. They walked through the city and saw the black cars from Xiang’s henchmen as they began to sweep through the city looking for the assassins but the two of them kept to the shadows.
The boat was at a secluded dock at the riverfront Horus had the boat prepped he could hear helicopters soaring above the city spotlights weaving between the sea of skyscrapers, without the mask, it was revealed that Horus was Caucasian with dirty blonde hair and a neatened beard he had a small scar going across his nose from a mission long ago. He heard a noise from close by and he reached behind his back and gripped the handle of the gun that was tuck in his trousers, Anubis and Bast emerged from one of the streets and waved to Horus who released the grip on the gun he signalled back to them “You guys know how to get attention” Anubis shrugged “You know mate we had to do it the hard way” Bast replied “Let’s get out of before the coast guard start combing the bay” Horus helped his teammates clamber into the speedboat, Anubis and Bast sprawled out on the passenger seats as Horus revved he engine and the boat began to head out into the bay. Horus looked over his shoulder at the others “Well I say that is another successful mission” Bast smiled “We need to crack the champagne” Anubis replied “Well I will get the first round when we get back to Karnak” the three laughed as the boat made its way to the extraction point.
Karnak HQ
Undisclosed Location
April 14, 2295
The trio were sat in the car that was in the large elevator as it slowly made its way down the shaft, Horus rubbed the back of his neck “Damn I need the comfort of my own bed” Bast nodded in agreement “I’ve missed my shower, need to get the smell of sweat and child creep off me” Anubis replied, “I’m just looking forward to just chilling out and reading a book”. The elevator finally reached the end of the shaft and Anubis drove the car as the doors slid open they drove down a long tunnel and had to pass through several massive security doors and guarded checkpoints. When they reached the final door it opened a revealed the underground expanse and in the distance was the Pyramidal structure that was Karnak the team’s headquarters, the pyramid was surrounded by four towering obelisks and in front of the HQ building was a park and a lake. The whole thing looked impossible like something out of a movie but it was the dream of Shakir Salameh also known by his codename Ra, he moved both mountains and the heaven to bring his vision to reality and he certainly had the money to accomplish it.
The car followed the long road that led to the steel looking pyramid, they entered the vehicle bay and parked up next to similar cars to the ones they were in and got out. They reached the Temple which was the centre of operations for all surveillance and mission intelligence, Isis turned in her chair removing her headset “Welcome back guys” Anubis replied “Did Chinese authorities get the information on the children being smuggled” Isis nodded “Yes, we gave in the information and we have confirmed reports that a ship was seized in the bay that was full of them, they are hopefully going to have their families found” Bast wasn’t that hopefully about that she interjected “That number of children, most may not even have families to go to” Anubis turned to her “Better in protective services than lost to creeps in the black market” Horus put a hand on her shoulder “This was an added win today, enjoy some solace in that” she smiled to Horus and agreed, Isis pointed to the office that overlooked the Temple “The big boss wants to see you all before you leave” the team headed up the steps to the office of Ra.
Ra was sat at his desk looking over paperwork, he was an elegant looking man always wore a suit no matter where he went and maintaining a high level of professionalism which was something he treasured, despite his serious nature on most occasions he had a monumental sense of loyalty and consideration to everyone who worked at Karnak. The office door opened and the trio entered the room he glanced up to them as they approached “Ah you’re back, I wanted to congratulate you all on the success of the assignment. Not only did we acquire the information to help the Americans battle a terrorists organisation, but you also saved children’s lives and removed a high ranking piece of trash from the world” Anubis replied “Thank you Sir” the boss looked to his computer “Now we have no new assignments due in the recent time frame so you have plenty of time to unwind and get some rest, we will contact you when something comes up” the three of them thanked him again and left for some well-deserved R&R for a few days.
Ra looked back to the computer screen and had accessed one of the files that Anubis had downloaded regarding the Black Circle, something had caught his eye when he was cycling through the pages it was a name Cameron Delores he mumbled to himself “It couldn’t be” he picked up the papers from the desk it was a file from a mission in the early years of Karnak’s operations, the file read that Delores had died on the mission, Ra got up from the desk and looked at to the people working in the Temple “Nightmares have a habit of returning” he looked on with fear and doubt as if a ghost was looming over him and it would surely reveal itself in time.
In the city they arrived at the alleyway and they got out of the car, Anubis found a rucksack that Horus had left behind with a change of clothes for the two of them, Anubis packed away the combat gear and was now wearing a white shirt and black trousers and a black long coat, Bast had changed into a smart dark grey pants suit and gloves to help hide the gold leaf paint on her arms. They walked through the city and saw the black cars from Xiang’s henchmen as they began to sweep through the city looking for the assassins but the two of them kept to the shadows.
The boat was at a secluded dock at the riverfront Horus had the boat prepped he could hear helicopters soaring above the city spotlights weaving between the sea of skyscrapers, without the mask, it was revealed that Horus was Caucasian with dirty blonde hair and a neatened beard he had a small scar going across his nose from a mission long ago. He heard a noise from close by and he reached behind his back and gripped the handle of the gun that was tuck in his trousers, Anubis and Bast emerged from one of the streets and waved to Horus who released the grip on the gun he signalled back to them “You guys know how to get attention” Anubis shrugged “You know mate we had to do it the hard way” Bast replied “Let’s get out of before the coast guard start combing the bay” Horus helped his teammates clamber into the speedboat, Anubis and Bast sprawled out on the passenger seats as Horus revved he engine and the boat began to head out into the bay. Horus looked over his shoulder at the others “Well I say that is another successful mission” Bast smiled “We need to crack the champagne” Anubis replied “Well I will get the first round when we get back to Karnak” the three laughed as the boat made its way to the extraction point.
Karnak HQ
Undisclosed Location
April 14, 2295
The trio were sat in the car that was in the large elevator as it slowly made its way down the shaft, Horus rubbed the back of his neck “Damn I need the comfort of my own bed” Bast nodded in agreement “I’ve missed my shower, need to get the smell of sweat and child creep off me” Anubis replied, “I’m just looking forward to just chilling out and reading a book”. The elevator finally reached the end of the shaft and Anubis drove the car as the doors slid open they drove down a long tunnel and had to pass through several massive security doors and guarded checkpoints. When they reached the final door it opened a revealed the underground expanse and in the distance was the Pyramidal structure that was Karnak the team’s headquarters, the pyramid was surrounded by four towering obelisks and in front of the HQ building was a park and a lake. The whole thing looked impossible like something out of a movie but it was the dream of Shakir Salameh also known by his codename Ra, he moved both mountains and the heaven to bring his vision to reality and he certainly had the money to accomplish it.
The car followed the long road that led to the steel looking pyramid, they entered the vehicle bay and parked up next to similar cars to the ones they were in and got out. They reached the Temple which was the centre of operations for all surveillance and mission intelligence, Isis turned in her chair removing her headset “Welcome back guys” Anubis replied “Did Chinese authorities get the information on the children being smuggled” Isis nodded “Yes, we gave in the information and we have confirmed reports that a ship was seized in the bay that was full of them, they are hopefully going to have their families found” Bast wasn’t that hopefully about that she interjected “That number of children, most may not even have families to go to” Anubis turned to her “Better in protective services than lost to creeps in the black market” Horus put a hand on her shoulder “This was an added win today, enjoy some solace in that” she smiled to Horus and agreed, Isis pointed to the office that overlooked the Temple “The big boss wants to see you all before you leave” the team headed up the steps to the office of Ra.
Ra was sat at his desk looking over paperwork, he was an elegant looking man always wore a suit no matter where he went and maintaining a high level of professionalism which was something he treasured, despite his serious nature on most occasions he had a monumental sense of loyalty and consideration to everyone who worked at Karnak. The office door opened and the trio entered the room he glanced up to them as they approached “Ah you’re back, I wanted to congratulate you all on the success of the assignment. Not only did we acquire the information to help the Americans battle a terrorists organisation, but you also saved children’s lives and removed a high ranking piece of trash from the world” Anubis replied “Thank you Sir” the boss looked to his computer “Now we have no new assignments due in the recent time frame so you have plenty of time to unwind and get some rest, we will contact you when something comes up” the three of them thanked him again and left for some well-deserved R&R for a few days.
Ra looked back to the computer screen and had accessed one of the files that Anubis had downloaded regarding the Black Circle, something had caught his eye when he was cycling through the pages it was a name Cameron Delores he mumbled to himself “It couldn’t be” he picked up the papers from the desk it was a file from a mission in the early years of Karnak’s operations, the file read that Delores had died on the mission, Ra got up from the desk and looked at to the people working in the Temple “Nightmares have a habit of returning” he looked on with fear and doubt as if a ghost was looming over him and it would surely reveal itself in time.
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