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Planet: Earth
New Orleans, Louisiana
United States of America

Inspector Legrasse was at the station standing in front of the task force that he had assembled for the mission that lay ahead he spoke firmly “Right for those that may not know the situation, we have been receiving numerous reports over the last several weeks of women and children that have gone missing from numerous families in the bayou area outside the city, these families and other locals have stated that they have been hearing voices chanting deep from the swamp” he gestured to the map then looked back to the team “Other the course of this investigation bodies have been discovered all of them severely mutilated” the images appeared on a holographic display several of the officers recoiled slightly, one of them spoke “Holy Christ! Who would fucking do such a thing?” Legrasse replied “Early investigations had us believe we had a serial killer on the loose, but the sheer number now that have been found dead and those that are missing indicates that there are multiple individuals involved in whatever is happening in those swamps” Legrasse paused for a moment before continuing “A force of a hundred from other stations is going to sweep through the bayou until we find what we are looking for, so everyone gear up we leave in thirty minutes” everyone signalled that they understood and dispersed to get ready for the raid.

It was late in the night but the dark would help them to move through the swamp without detection although there were other risks from wandering in the damp landscape, Legrasse was moving passed several trees when he came upon a rough-looking house as a man opened the door holding up his hands. Legrasse waved at the officers close by to hold as he approached the man “Sir you need to stay inside where it is safe” the man spoke with a slight Cajun accent “Are you here about the noises?” Legrasse grew more concerned “What noise?” the man pointed deeper into the trees looking fearful “There’s some weird shit coming from those trees, screams, drumming and voices all chanting some language I ain’t never heard before” Legrasse watched the darkness where the man had gestured too, he knew they were heading in the right direction he looked back to the man and saw his family inside looking just as scared Legrasse instructed calmly “Sir go back inside and lock your doors, you’ll be safe until this is done” the man nodded and quickly rushed into the house as the officers continued onward. Deeper into the bayou Legrasse began to notice something in the distance, it was the faint glow from a campfire and the incoherent sounds of people chanting, Legrasse pulled out his sidearm and signalled to the group to be ready for anything, they finally reached a break in the tree line that opened out into a wide space amongst the swamp and what they saw chilled them down to the bone.

In the opening was a gathering of people dancing around a large bonfire, they were all shouting and screaming all of them covered with red, those that weren’t dancing were fucking, aggressively as if was meant to be more pain than pleasure they had become something almost less human. Legrasse glanced over the display of carnal debauchery to several structures that were placed around the outer perimeter of the bonfire it was then Legrasse’s stomach lurched, the structure was covered in bodies all of them strung up between the posts, flayed and disembowelled left hanging like meat at a butcher. Legrasse muttered quietly on the radio to the others hoping they were close “Team leaders, looks like we found our missing people, there’s a clearing to the north-west of where we entered the bayou look for the bonfire and signal when ready” Legrasse looked back to the bonfire and saw one of the people dressed in a black robe he was stood in front of a large pedestal he arms raised high and was calling out some strange language that Legrasse had never heard of as he repeated it over and over “ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn!” the leader of this group seemed to be chanting at a carved idol that rested on top of the pedestal he bellowed out the next words that echoed into the darkness
“Ph' soth throdog r'luhhor c' ahmggoka vulgtmor Cthulhu, nafl'fhtagn, nafl'fhtagn, nafl'fhtagn!” Legrasse signalled for to commence the raid.
The officer swarmed towards the bonfire which startled the people, some began to flee but others began to attack the police, gunfire cracked out as some officers opened fire in defence when some of the attackers began brandishing knives and machetes. Legrasse heard the cruisers swoop in the air over the madness spotlights shining and sirens wailed loudly, it didn’t take long to get the situation under control and round up everyone to be taken into custody and tend to the wounded.

Back at the precinct, Legrasse had the leader of the group sat in a room as he prepared to interrogate him, the inspector sat down in front of him “Can you tell me your name?” the man shuffled in his chair and smiled “My name is Castro” Legrasse nodded “Alright Castro, tell me what where you and the others doing in the bayou?” Castro continued grinning “We were gathering to worship our god” Legrasse grew curious “God? I’m sure killing and skinning innocent people wasn’t approved in the bible” Castro let out a laugh “Ha, your false deity is nothing but a children’s story, no our lord is more eternal than the entire cosmos, he carved through the stars to this Earth eons ago but he is due to return” Legrasse knew that this guy was crazy but he pressed on “And what is this mighty space god called” Castro said only one word with a tone of passion “Cthulhu”.

Legrasse took a bundle of cloth from the floor and placed it on the table, as he uncovered it he revealed the stone idol of some winged humanoid creature with squid-like features “So this is Cthulhu?” Castro nodded “Our sacrifices were a gift to him for his glorious return” Legrasse was a little more confident “Good thing we interrupted your little party then” Castro grinned and laughed “But the call has already gone out…” Legrasse didn’t understand what the man was saying as he continued “And he’s heard it” he continued laughing “And when he rises the world will tremble and his reign will begin and it will be beautiful” Castro kept laughing as Legrasse signalled to the guards to take him away, Legrasse looked at the idol and felt a weird sense of unease at the horrific statue.


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