Sorry that it's been so long that I have released a post on here but there was a reason, instead of the usually posting of a story as it is completed this apart the ongoing TITANS stories is the first complete series that I've done however this time I wanted to wait until it was all completed before publishing the chapters, which will be on a monthly basis. Before that, I just want to say a few words behind the inspiration for the story:
I love horror stories everything from ghosts to werewolves, there are some people who think it’s weird that I love getting creeped out but it’s high I roll. But one particular type of horror that I really enjoy is the writing from the master of mind-bending macabre Mr H.P. Lovecraft, although I wouldn’t say they are terrifying stories I feel that the horror he depicts is that of losing ones grip on reality from witnessing creatures so impossible that the mind cannot comprehend them, there is also the fear of knowing that these horrific space monsters exist somewhere on Earth and across the universe and at some point they will return and retake everything that they once ruled, it gives humanity a ticking clock which can be just as terrifying as any ghost or ghoul.
Over the years I’ve always wanted to do a Lovecraft story but never knew what direction to take it, I did start a story just titled The Old Ones which was a present day crime story of two detectives following the trail of madness after finding a man dead in his apartment and each chapter was going to be based on a Lovecraft story but I put it on the shelf for the time being. R’lyeh came into being when I got the idea for doing a Lovecraft horror but set in space, the main inspiration came from the video game series Dead Space which has is a masterpiece in horror gaming, the enemies weren’t the scary part of the game but the music, environment and the sound design are just as fear-inducing.
I wanted to focus on the characters in the story and having the monsters appear in small parts rather than have them constantly in the scene, I was aiming for the idea that something could be lurking around the corner to be just as scary.
So my firelight wanderers, it is with much excitement that I can finally announce my Lovecraftian sci-fi horror R'LYEH.
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