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The blackness began to fade as Kara began opening her eyes, she woke to see that she was still in the processing plant, clambering to her feet she looked up to the impaled monstrous form that originally was Blackman, it was dead, at least she thought it was that woman or what looked like a woman in her dream said she that the body would fade away to be reborn, so it had to be dead in some form. Her body ached all over but she was glad that it was over, the sound of familiar voices could be heard “KARA!” Kay ran towards her and they hugged even though it hurt Kara welcomed it happily “Good to see that you two are ok” Kara saw Paulson slowly approached he had a few cuts and scrapes from broken glass he smiled at Kara “You alright O-SEC?” Kara nodded “Sore but I’ll live” Kay stared at the corpse of Nyarlathotep “When it grabbed you we thought it had you, what happened?” Kara came and stood next to Kay looking up at the impaled eldritch horror “I’m not sure it felt like a dream but I was on a dock by a city, there was woman who helped me she said she would allow me to see the thing that they worshipping” Paulson spoke “That Cthulhu or whatever it’s called” she nodded in reply “The woman said there had to be payment I had to give her something in return” Kay glanced away from the dead creature “What was it?” Kara paused trying to remember but it was blank “I’m not sure, this is crazy it must have been a dream right?” Paulson gave an amused huff “With what we’ve gone through I’m willin to believe anythin is possible” Kara agreed aliens, ancient gods, alternate dimensions the three of them had been forced into a new, bigger more terrifying world if they survived they could never look at the universe the same way again, she moved away from the dead monster “Right let’s get out here…finally” Paulson agreed and led the way to show how to get back up to the mining preparation area.
Moving through Fort Haven they met no resistance, Kara realised that Blackman was right everyone was dead there was no one to stop them from reaching the landing strip, she wished that they could get Trent and Allison’s bodies to take them away but there was no time the dropship would be arriving soon and it wouldn’t wait too long before leaving without them. Despite no threats Kara wasn’t taking any chance in case Blackman, Nyarlathotep or whatever he called him had brought any more freakish creatures to hunt them but they were so close to leaving, even with her body feeling like hit been hit by a truck she wanted nothing more than to just run.

They eventually reached the shuttle bay, they walked along heading past the quarantine room and down the ramp Kay looked to the dead body of the tentacle man that had been the beginning of everything they would go through even still dead it unnerved them. The trio reached the opening of the shuttle bay and stopped remaining in cover keeping out of sight, Kara looked out to the landing strip the ground was still wet but the rain had stopped from above in the dark clouds there was a loud bang of something entering the planet’s atmosphere “Alright the dropship is in coming”. Bursting through the clouds the dropship from the Lafayette swooped through the sky heading towards Fort Haven, Kara felt a huge relief as she saw the dropship it was finally over, it touched down the at the middle of the landing strip Kara looked to the other two “Ok let’s go” they rushed from the shuttle bay their shoes slapping against the wet concrete, they were half way to the dropship when the earth began shake.
With a deafening ear splitting, earth shattering crack the ground erupted in a plume of dust and rock high into the air about a mile away from the colony, the blast wave knocked the trio to the ground Kara and Kay rolled slightly across the landing strip, Paulson landed on his back yelled loudly from the impact “What in the fuck was that?!” Kara scrambled to her feet, she looked as the plume of dust stood like a column in the sky, a feeling in the deep pit of her stomach told her something was wrong which was cemented when a roar bellowed out. It was loud, ancient filled with rage and power it shook everything from the rock and down to the soul of anything that could hear it, it sound deep and rumbling but also had a shriek that sounded like some wounded animal, Kara stood listening to the roars of some large ancient beast but from her mouth one word gasped out “Cthulhu” the roar faded away into the haunting cries that almost sounded like the whales back on Earth.

From the ravine a large clawed hand rose from the darkness slimy and ridged almost segmented in appearance and multiple spiked appendages running along the forearm, the limb had a sickly yellowy green colour, it slammed onto the ground the long claws piercing the rock with ease, it began to pull the rest of itself from the ravine. Lightning streaked across the sky followed quickly by a large clap of thunder, Kara glanced to the sky the rain would come soon she looked back to see Kay and Paulson getting to their feet she heard Paulson gruffly say “What in the hell was that?!” Kara realised that they were going to look at it only she was able to. Fearing for their sanity Kara yelled “NO! DON’T LOOK AT IT!” she rushed over and shoved both of them facing away from the rising terror, she gripped to them tightly she spoke at them sternly “Do not look at it, never look at it, if you do you will die!” she saw from the sides of their faces and they looked concerned but she didn’t have time to explain everything “You need to close your eyes, close them and I’m going to lead you to the shuttle” she took them by the hands “Ok run!” she pulled them behind her and rain towards the shuttle as the rain started to fall she cursed ‘Shit’ under her breath. Cthulhu was emerging more and more from the chasm but now two large wide bat-like wings unfurled and stretched up reaching to the sky, the beast raised its head which was a mass of thick squirming, writhing tentacles and from beneath the tendrils another deep soul hurting bellowed thunder through the air, Kara approached and saw the pilot emerge at the hatchway he was about to look out towards the chasm when Kara yelled frantically “NO!” the pilot was startled as she continued “Keep looking at me, don’t look at it!” Paulson questioned Kara with his eyes closed “But what about you?!” Kara remembered the woman’s deal although she couldn’t remember what she had to give her, Kara replied “I don’t have time to explain but it doesn’t affect me” they reached the shuttle and got on board. Kara made sure that Paulson and Kay were strapped in but as she headed to the cockpit Kay spoke out “Wait where are you going?” Kara stopped and frowned she knew that they wouldn’t understand she turned back and spoke calmly “I have to stop him, otherwise we will lose everything but I will be back soon I promise, but you two need to get off this planet and warn people what is here” Paulson looked at Kara with doubt but spoke with hopefulness “You better meet us up there O-SEC” Kara smiled “I’ll be right be right behind you guys, keep the shuttle running for pick” she headed out and moved to the cockpit and leaned in next to the pilot “Do not come back for me, they mustn’t leave the ship or attempt any kind of rescue, they cannot return to this planet by any means…detain them if you have to at least until after the Lafayette leaves the system, just do not come back for me am I clear?” the pilot looked to her and nodded “Yes Ma’am” she patted him on the shoulder “And ever you do aim for the stars and do not look out the windows just keep your eyes upwards, never look back or it will consume you too” the pilot was confused but didn’t question it as Kara walked out of the cockpit.

She closed the shuttle door behind her and she stepped back as the engines rumbled to life and the shuttle lifted of the landing strip, it rushed forward before rising high into the sky heading up and away from Fort Haven, Kara was relieved that Paulson and Kay were no safe she watched the shuttle vanish as the rain pelted down. The growl from Cthulhu snapped Kara to attention, the colossal monster was now fully emerged from the chasm and stood upon the landscape like some unholy, impossible monolith of ancient evil, it began to step towards the drilling platform on the far side of Fort Haven, Kara realised it was heading towards the doorway in the quarry, the woman said that Cthulhu once ruled Earth and that he wants to take it back, she ran back towards the shuttle bay she needed a plan and she needed to think of something fast.
Kara made it to the atrium, she stumbled as the entire room shook from the footsteps of the awoken monster which caused several panes of glass from the dome above her to shattered and rain down onto the ground below, Kara glanced around in a panic “What to do, what to do” the ground shook again “Come on Kara, think” she wondered how in the hell was she was going to defeat a god but then she remembered what happened to Blackman “They can be killed…in some way” but something that size she would need a weapon large enough, it suddenly hit her “The drill!” Kara knew what she had to do and rushed to the entrance and back into Fort Haven

UNF Lafayette
Shuttle Bay

The dropship landed gracefully inside the bay and the engines cut out into a fading hum, Paulson and Kay emerged from the door to the passage compartment and began rushing across the shuttle bay heading for the bridge to speak to the Captain.
Up on the bridge Captain Halmstad was stood arms held behind his back and looking out to the planet, Paulson stormed towards Halmstad and spoke with urgent concern “Captain! Sir we need to prep a shuttle we need to help Kara down there!” the Captain turned to face Paulson “Try to calm down Paulson, Erikson notified me of the situation as you were returning” Paulson straightened himself to return to formality at speaking to his superior “Sir allow me to take the shuttle back she can’t be left alone down their not with what is going on” Halmstad raised a hand “Officer Jacobs gave instructions for what we need to do” he waved to four security officers that stood behind Kay. The officers moved in one placed their hands on Kay’s shoulders “Wait? What’s going on?” Paulson heard Kay and turned to see them being restrained and the other officers approaching he looked back to the Captain “No, what are you doing?!” Halmstad looked sympathetic but he maintained his composure simply replied with “I’m sorry Paulson” the officers began taking Paulson and Kay away to be detained Kay yelled “We can’t leave her behind!” Halmstad replied “Officer Jacobs gave us orders to not return for her and to leave immediately but make sure that you are detained to be kept safe, I am complying with that request” Paulson struggled but the officers managed to keep him restrained “Captain please we can’t leave!”.
As Paulson and Kay were taken away Halmstad turned back to the bridge crew “Ferris prepare the jump engine and set course for home” the crew typed on the screens set the coordinates and moving the ship into the correct jump lane Ferris turned to the Captain “Ship is in position and we are ready to jump” the Captain looked down at the planet, the clouds swirled and flashed erratically from lightning he could still hear Paulson and Kay bellowing desperately about not leaving Kara behind, he had no idea what was going on but from what he heard when the SOS came in he wasn’t planning on staying in orbit any longer. Halmstad took in a deep inhale then spoke to the crew “Then jump”, the Lafayette’s engines hummed louder and glowed brighter, with a loud crack the ship jumped into the depths of space leaving the planet floating amongst the veil of stars.

Fort Haven
Science Block

Kara ran through the corridors, only hours ago each hallway was a potential hiding place for a variety of horrors, now knowing that Blackman had removed the hounds and murdered Garvel and her cult Kara needed to only focus on the matter at hand. Kara stopped hearing the sound of voices whispering again “h' nglui ephaimgahnnn, h' nglui ephaimgahnnn h' nglui ephaimgahnnn, h' nglui ephaimgahnnn, h' nglui ephaimgahnnn, h' nglui ephaimgahnnn” she tried shaking it off but it wouldn’t stop, down one of the passages on her right she could see the woman from the hotel watching her, feeling fuzzy Kara couldn’t tell if the woman was real or not the building shaking from the approaching footsteps regained her attention putting the voices at the back of her mind, she needed to get to the mining sector quickly.

Cthulhu lumbered slowly towards the colony, dark clouds swirled and lighting flashed above the monstrous form, its tentacles hanging from its face danced and writhed as it growled feeling the pull towards the doorway. Eons of waiting had finally led to this moment, Earth had been taken from him by that swarm of pitiful flesh now was the time to tear through the seas and let the human cities crumble, at the humans would be consumed and made to serve the Great Old One once more. Cthulhu’s clawed feet stomped onto the rough dead landscape which cracked under his weight, he gurgled out another deep roar into the darkening sky above.

Mining Sector
Kara reached the preparation area she had to stop for a moment to rest her breathing was rapid from running here, she didn’t linger for long as the shaking for the approaching foot stomps was the ticking clock, the reminder that time was running out for her and also the world who were across the stars unaware of the forthcoming horror.
In the prep area Kara found the alternate route that would lead to the elevator up to the drilling platform, the passage had dull orange running lights going along the floor leading up to the elevator, Kara flickering in and out of darkness as she passed by each set of the lights storming towards to door. She pressed the button and the elevator door opened, after several rushed press the ascent to the platform began the window of the car revealing the quarry, Kara flinched when part of the platform to the right suddenly burst out in a cascade of smoke and twisted metal followed by the emergence of a clawed hand, Cthulhu had reached the platform and begun tearing his way through. Claws wrenched at steel which fell away leaving a large gaping hole in the massive metal structure, crouching down the impossible god pushed through the opening, the Great Old One looked down into the dark circular chasm of the quarry, the bat-like wings unfurled spreading out so wide that they looked as if they could black out the sun. Kara stood in utter awe at the sheer scale of the beast, a real living mountain of sicking discoloured inhuman flesh, a monster only a nightmare could conjure Kara felt an unusual feeling looking at it like it’s mere presence was entering her body making her head hurt, she believed that this was what the woman had given her and that if she didn’t then this pain is what would cause her to lose her mind.
As the elevator was reaching the top Kara watched as Cthulhu stepped from the ledge and dropped down into the quarry the wings easing his decent, it was only a short fall before he landed at the bottom with a thunderous boom shaking the elevator car causing it to rattle in the shaft, it came to a stop at the top and Kara rushed out and ran for the drill control centre.

The dust around Cthulhu’s legs settled as he stood upon the stone doorway embedded in the rock it was smaller than his size but passing through it wouldn’t be an issue, the deep guttural growls almost sounded with a rumbling hint of delight, looking down Cthulhu gazed at the now scattered bodies and the blood on the ground he extended a thick arm and held it out a hand over the stone slabs, with a crack and a grinding noise the doorway began to slowly open.

Kara activated the control panel which caused the lights and holographic panels to flickering on with life, she flicked several switches turning on the multitude of surveillance cameras across the quarry one showed the hulking creature and the opening doorway, Kara cursed with panicked frustration “Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit where are the drill controls” tapping away on the glowing holographics Kara eventually found the drill activation start up. She sat down at a chair that had two joysticks which she took in both hands, one was to move the drill and the other was to control the speed of it “Ok here we go” a screen flickered on in front of her face which showed the drill bit and a marker to indicate were to point the drill at, the marker was right on Cthulhu’s right shoulder, Kara pulled the trigger when began to drill to start spinning with a loud hum.

The door was almost fully open beyond the stone slabs was just darkness so black it look like you could touch it, about to squeeze through the monsters attention was suddenly drawn to the loud mechanical noises coming from above, he slowly began to turn moving his large tentacled head to look at the drill which was now spinning furiously.

Watching the Great Old One through the holographic screen Kara tightened her grip on the drill controls “Take this you rancid squid motherfucker!” she thrust the level hard. The drill moved down at great speed and collided with the murky hide of Cthulhu’s shoulder which began to grind with a sickening crunch and tearing of flesh, the air spilt as an agonised shriek made Kara wince with pain from the sheer shrill of the sound, the teeth of the drill scraped across bone which cracked and gave way wrenching the arm from its socket with a tear and spray of blackened blood. The arm slammed to the ground as Cthulhu bellowed and thrashed angrily, standing over the splatters of its own inhuman blood the massive beast leaned forward as if huddling from the pain, but with a deep growl the huge form reared up and grabbed the drill with its other arm and with its immense strength it pulled the drill from the platform above it.

Sparks flew and metal groaned and clanged before Kara could move the floor fell away, she slid down and through the hole falling in mid-air for a few seconds before landing on a gangway that had come away from underneath of the drilling platform. Kara landed hard cursing loudly as the pain surged through her shoulder and side, she gripped the bars of the railing as it swung through the air, she looked over her shoulder to see chunks of metal and debris fall into the quarry some colliding with the shrieking monstrosity. In its pained fury as the dark blood gushed across the expanse of the quarry the massive horror flung the drill bit away from it, however unintentionally the act of anger and rage launched the drill which collided with the stone doorway the impact cracked and shattered part of the opening causing the portal to Earth to vanish with the door slamming shut to close forever.

Cthulhu placed its remaining vile hand onto the seeping tear in its flesh as it howled a roar in pain, Kara clung to the twisted gangway watching the monster thrash around and unfurl its colossal wings, with a single leap propelled by its wings the Great Old One jumped up onto the side of the quarry and began to scramble up the rock face its claws clutching deep into the stone. Emerging through the hole that had been made in the platform, Cthulhu staggered out onto the jagged surface of the planet the sky still swirling with black clouds, pulling back his shoulders and arching his back Cthulhu raised his head to the sky bellowing a higher pitched roar, Kara felt as if not only the planet but even her soul was shaking and it felt painful she gritted her teeth and closed her eyes to muster all her strength to not let go from the gangway due to the agony.

A voice spoked in the dark “Well done” Kara couldn’t respond “He is returning to the void”, Kara opened her eyes still on the gangway, she could hear the groan and creak of metal from the damaged drilling platform but other than that it was quiet, no bellows, no footsteps Cthulhu had truly gone crawled back into the pit from which it emerged from and recover from its wound, like the woman said its difficult to kill these things but when injured they do take a long time to heal. Kara noticed below in the quarry that the doorway was closed she had done it see and stopped Cthulhu from reaching Earth for now at least, she thought to herself that one day he will regain his strength and might find his way to Earth in some other manner, but for now it was done she could finally rest Kara looked up the path of the gangway and began making her way back up towards the platform.

Fatigued and aching all over Kara staggered through the flickering lit corridors of Fort Haven, the power to the station seemed to be damaged from Cthulhu’s arrival even the actual structure had pieces like ceiling grating and wall panelling come loose and scattered across the ground. Kara wanted nothing more than to just collapse on the floor and rest but even though she knew that there shouldn’t be anything else roaming the hallways she didn’t want to take the risk after everything she had just been through, she began making her way to the main control room.

She could her whispering coming from all directions like someone peering from behind corners along with shadows skulking in her peripheral, she could feel that these were the dead every poor sod that had died in this hellscape including Trent and Allison, why were they here was this some redemption since Cthulhu and Nyarlathotep had been stopped like these souls had been released from this torment but something at the back of Kara’s mind knew that that wasn’t true, this was a place of madness there is no peace here not anymore this entire planet was cursed and no one should ever return. Something else caught her eye near one of the labs which made her fall to her knees, down the hallway was the woman smiling at her but Kara didn’t respond as the woman slowly approached her, she cradled Kara’s face in her hands and stroked her hair the woman spoke softly “You’ve done well dear child, if you want to rest the room is still waiting for you if you want it, just close your eyes and I will take you away” Kara wanted to close eyes but something gave her a feeling of happiness. Kara shook her head “No I don’t want to go” the woman caressed blood stained skin of the OSEC’s cheek “Very well but I won’t be far away should you ever changed your mind” Kara was suddenly alone again, with a sudden choke of breath Kara’s eye welled up with tears and she slumped onto the floor crying she couldn’t hold it back anymore. Kara didn’t even know what she was crying about, was it because she was alive, that she had been alone on the planet, it was a confusing mess of everything from the people she saved and the others she didn’t a great sense of relief and loss was spilling out in messy sobs since she could finally stop fighting. The floor was hard but it was the most at ease Kara had felt since arriving at the place, tears dripped from the corner of her eye and onto the metal she lay on, Kara wiped the tears from her eyes “Come Kara, get up…get the fuck up!” she mustered the energy to get back onto her feet and carry on.

Pressing on the touch pad the door to the control room slid open, Kara wandered inside it felt like an eternity since being in this room but locking the door behind her gave Kara some sense of comfort and protection, she approached the console and tapped at the controls and with a loud metallic thunk the security shutters began to slowly open revealing the planet beyond the large panes of glass. Kara slumped into the command chair finally getting a chance to rest with her muscles screaming with pain and exhaustion, her head continued to throb and tears rolled down her face but she couldn’t understand why like something was missing but she had no reason to, but in all fairness what made any god damn sense any more.
Glancing out the window Kara could see the empty space in the sky were the Lafayette was in orbit above them, even though she had been left behind Kara smiled at least Kay and Paulson were safe and they could forget everything that happened, she looked down and smiled there was sense of happiness and a warmth embrace from deep inside, tears kept rolled down her face as she looked up out the window again feeling love for someone or something but she didn’t know what but from all the horror and madness she had suffered she didn’t care, she would enjoy this moment of happiness for however long it would last.



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