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 Hey Firelight Wanderers

It's been a while since I've posted on this blog, I've been keeping up with some activity on The Ember Lights twitter but the reason behind this long, very long break was that I went through an emotional moment were my motivation to write pretty much stopped.

Over the lockdown I thought to myself that I have been pushing myself too far, when I released some of my stories in such short timeframes because I did them in bulk before creating The Ember Lights and I was worried about losing that momentum. So I forced myself to try and put a new story every month or so and it became too much when I ended up with no new ideas and a set deadline.

Other things occurred with this blog were I was getting moments thinking what the hell is the point of carry on with all this, I won't go into the details of what caused me to feel this way but it has come up a few times since starting this blog were I've felt worthless, I even now years later still can't call myself a writer because I think I've earned the title, even though I was thinking about getting rid of the blog my desire to write was still very much intact and I've had some ideas running through my head.

What I'm doing is focusing on myself, I'm not rushing for deadlines, I love writing and I love creating these worlds of interstellar travel, immense beast and nightmare horrors. I'm doing this for me so posting stories will be a lot more casual so I can focus on what I want to write, there's other possibilities that I have been toying around with. I've been having the crazy idea of making Ember Lights Merchandise, not sure fully what I would have but I'm liking the idea of having a hoodie made.

So my Firelight Wanderers I'm not gone and I have no intention of ever leaving, keep a look out on the twitter @TheEmberLights and Facebook The Ember Lights just look for the campfires and I will see you all around the flames for some stories and I'll make some s'mores.

In the words of YouTuber Jake Munro "Have a great day by making it a great day" I will see you all later.

Much Love



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